Price Schedule
Now You Can Live at Home, on Your Rural Property and Have the Care You Need.
You are in good hands.
Our Support Workers are accredited with Certificate III in Individual Support, First Aid, and Manual Handling. We also have staff who have obtained additional training to assist with specialised care.
It is easy to book in new or extra services. Just call us on 08 8988 6889.
Our Services - Supports
Personal Care – showering, personal care and mobility assistance. May include domestic tasks.
Home Care – domestic assistance, cleaning, cooking, shopping, laundry, making beds, paying bills ; meal preparation.
Respite Care – support when carers are unavailable or need a break. At home or in the community.
Social Support – companionship, social activities and community access.
Live-In Care – support when carers are unavailable or need a break. At home, in the community, or centre based.
Home Safe – spring cleaning, repairs around the home and gardening.

Rural Remote HCS Care Adviser Team
Figuring out what funding you are eligible for can be hard, so our Care Adviser team can help you to navigate this process. It is a complimentary service that helps you source the best option, each time.
Call the friendly team on 08 8988 6889 to find out how we can help you.
* Inactive Overnight Sleepover shifts must include an additional two hours of active Home Care Support.
From 01/02/2021, RRHCS can arrange specialised home and garden services for you through other suppliers. As these services are personalised, costs may vary and will be determined with you at the time of booking.
Home Care Support services 30 minutes or less are charged at 65% of the hourly rate.
24-hour notice is required to avoid a full-service cancellation fee. Services delivered on public holidays attract a 100% surcharge.
If we are unable to deliver a service in your area, we will recommend someone who can. This may involve an additional cost to the prices listed above. Your Case Manager will discuss this with you prior to services commencing.
If you would like to receive a particular service from someone external to us, then you can request to have them service you through RRHCS. Your Case Manager will discuss this with you prior to services commencing.
New Patient
We provide tailored services to your needs and will make an extra effort in order to provide the right services.
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